Alcatel One Touch 768T Accessories Review

Alcatel One Touch 768T Accessories Review appeared first on DiscountCell Reviews.

The Alcatel One Touch 768T is a standard “clam shell” flip phone.  While the majority of mobile devices on the market are smartphones designed for browsing and applications, the Alcatel One Touch 768T is just a basic camera phone without any extra frills.  If you are looking to outfit many employees with just a simple phone, then the Alcatel One Touch 768T is a great way to go.

The Alcatel One Touch 768T Accessories featured in this article are ideal for government agencies and large corporations because they get the job done at the lowest possible price.  Furthermore, all of the Alcatel One Touch 768T Accessories featured in this review qualify for special Government and Corporate contract pricing.

Cases and Pouches

The first of the Alcatel One Touch 768T Accessories that we will be reviewing are a series of cases and pouches.

Alcatel One Touch 768T Dimensions

Alcatel One Touch 768T Dimensions

The Alcatel One Touch 768T has a very convenient size, measuring 104mm tall, 52.5mm wide, and 17.25mm thick when closed.  When opened, the phone measures not quite 200mm tall.

Pouches and holsters are the best option for protecting the Alacatel One Touch, as the flip motion of the screen and keyboard make it difficult to attach a fitted hard case.

Good pouches include the Naztech Gladiator II, the Cargo Clip Case by Nite Ize, and the Decoro Horizontal cover fit pouch.

For more information or to purchase a case, click here.


The second category in our Alcatel One Touch 768TAccessories review is a series of charging options.

Alcatel One Touch 768T Chargers

Alcatel One Touch 768T Chargers

Avoiding downtime has never been more important.  When looking for charging options, you need devices that will charge your Alcatel One Touch 768T from either a wall outlet, car adapter, or from a computer so that you can stay connected no matter where your employees are. has over 50 different charging options available for the Alcatel One Touch 768T starting at just $3.95.  Low cost per unit is especially important for purchasing officers who frequently have to replace chargers left behind by employees in hotel rooms and rental vehicles.


The Alcatel One Touch 768T Accessories featured in this review are ideal for government and large corporate organizations because they get the job done at the lowest possible price.

For more information on Alcatel One Touch 768T Accessoriess visit

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